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Autor: Luís Galego

sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2011

Scott Olsen, Occupy Oakland's soldier for peace/After what happened to Scott, we have a right to be angry that our tax dollars go on tear gas instead of schools and healthcare

 Scott Olsen, recovering from a critical brain injury after being hit by a projectile during riot police action against Occupy Oakland, 25 October 2011. Photograph: Google+
I want you to picture Scott Olsen. Not bloodied like the pictures you've seen, but healthy and smiling. Several weeks ago, I held a banner with Scott up at Fleet Week, talking to active duty Marines and Navy and JROTC cadets about trauma and war. The banner read "Every day 32 veterans attempt suicide. 18 succeed." Scott had been participating in Iraq Veterans Against the War's Operation Recovery campaign to end the deployment of traumatised troops, towards a larger goal of ending the deployments of all US troops.
Two tours in Iraq convinced Scott the war was unjust, and he became a peace activist. On the evening of 25 October, as the police evicted Occupy Oakland, he was hit in the head allegedly by a projectile fired by another kind of occupying army. The OPD functions as a military force in Oakland's low-income neighborhoods. This isn't the first time the Oakland Police Department has been accused of using excessive force. They have a record of shooting people of color with seeming impunity.
A Marine at the protest who was trained in crowd control detailed how riot police in Oakland fired on protesters in ways that are prohibited under our notoriously brutal rules of engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan. That puts Scott's injury into perspective, and many veterans have exposed the senseless violence and war crimes occurring in these occupations. The Oakland Police Department (plus reinforcement police shipped in from around the state) are forbidden from firing tear gas canisters anywhere at a human body and deny responsibility for Olsen's injury. But the OPD is now subject of a Oakland's Citizens' Police Review Board investigation into protesters' allegations that Scott was shot with a tear gas canister or other projectile fired by police .
Our friend Scott's skull was fractured, causing his brain to swell dangerously. All day, I could not stop thinking about another friend of ours, also from Oakland – Tristan Anderson. Tristan was also struck in the head with a tear gas canister, in the spring of 2009 in the West Bank, at a peaceful demonstration of Palestinians resisting the militarised annexation of their village's land. Tristan survived and is back in California with us, although he is still recovering from his life-endangering, life-changing injuries. Several Palestinians have been killed by these same tear gas canisters. "Less lethal" ammunition, these days, is a game of statistics.
The ammunition allegedly involved in both Scott's and Tristan's cases is manufactured by a Wyoming-based company called Defense Tech. Our tax dollars paid for both. Oakland claims it doesn't even have the money for its schools and libraries. We've heard the helicopters alone cost $833 an hour. How many hundreds of thousands of dollars were robbed from public services and city infrastructure in Oakland on 25 October, when 500 riot cops busted up Occupy Oakland for supposed "sanitation concerns", and then gassed and beat people for hours later that night? Priorities?
US taxpayers fund $3bn per year in military aid alone to Israel. We paid for the tear gas canister deaths of Bassem and Jawaher Abu Rahme, two of the unarmed Palestinians in Bil'in, the village where Tristan was almost killed. We paid for Scott Olsen to go to Iraq and participate in an occupation which he and many veterans have concluded is unjust, criminal and based on lies – then once he got home, we paid for the police tear gas ammunition to break up the protest in which he was so gravely injured.
Those war funds trickle up to the 1%, to companies that profit from war, including Defense Tech. We need not only to implement progressive taxation and stop corporate welfare, including the egregious bank bailouts, but we must redirect our taxed funds. That is why Scott Olsen was out on the streets, struck down while standing peacefully beside another antiwar veteran and fellow member of IVAW and Veterans for Peace. He was demonstrating with 2,000 community members of Occupy Oakland, defending this experiment in direct democracy, self-governance and equitable distribution.
Scott believes in the importance of the 99% Movement. He's spent most of the last few weeks at Occupy SF, while holding down his day job. He, like many military veterans, is seeking pathways to building true community safety. We need to stand together to show that violence will not break the powerful spirit of this movement. We need to defend the rights of veterans and everyone who has experienced trauma to heal from it. We need to stand for everyone's right to safety, to free assembly, for our right to build kitchens and community gardens, for our tax dollars to finally stop going to wars and start going to schools and healthcare.
Scott has mountains of medical bills that his community is quickly coming together to help with; otherwise, he will be yet another American sunk in endless medical debt.
Our struggle against the 1% here, while we are the 1% globally, is something our comrades around the world have been watching and waiting for. Now, they are cheering us on – because they need us to triumph. We seek to end US empire and a transition to a different set of values. We do this in honor of Scott, of other victims of police violence and military occupations, and of the economic violence of the 1%.

• Clare Bayard is an activist with Occupy Oakland

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